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Published on May 16, 2024
One Seattle Day of Service Invites Locals to Spruce Up Their City This SaturdaySource: Seattle Department of Neighborhoods

Get ready to roll up your sleeves, Seattleites—the One Seattle Day of Service is hitting the streets this Saturday, and it's all hands on deck for those looking to chip in and beautify the Emerald City. The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is herding the community's collective spirit into action, giving locals the skinny on how to get the most bang for their buck while lending a hand.

Comfort's king when you're volunteering, so dress down and bring along a pair of gloves to keep your mitts clean and blister-free, all while you're sprucing up the town. You'll want to mingle and toss out a friendly "hello" to other good samaritans out there; it’s not just about the task, but making bonds that knit the community tight. Be sure to touch base with the head honchos when you come and go, gulp down some water, and cram in a snack when your engine's running low—no one's looking to turn a day of service into a marathon of exhaustion, according to the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.

If driving is your plan, chuck it—spaces are tighter than a drum, so public transit or carpooling is the way to go. And hey, don't be shy to snap a pic or two and slap those moments up on social media with the hashtags #NeighborDay, #OneSeattle, and #SpringIntoService, as per the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. If you can't make it out in the flesh, tossing a few cans into the donation bin or chipping in from afar is still on the table; organizers won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Any work, especially painting or planting, needs to fit like a glove with the district's aesthetic, so keep your brush strokes and shovel digs on the level. Peek at the community calendar for a rundown of events, and be sure to zero in on the One Seattle Day of Service page for the full scoop on where to serve up some goodwill this Saturday.