San Antonio/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on May 08, 2024
San Antonio Councilwoman Drives New Measures To Curb Dog Attacks After Recent Fatal IncidentsSource: City of San Antonio/Marina Alderete Gavito

The San Antonio City Council is gearing up for a crackdown on irresponsible dog owners, following a string of vicious attacks that left two people dead. In response to the tragic events, Councilwoman Marina Alderete Gavito is leading the charge, with a set of proposals focusing on stiffening penalties, mandatory sterilization, and improved reporting mechanisms, as reported by KENS5.

Gavito connected with the Najera family after a fatal incident wherein 81-year-old Ramon Najera was mauled to death by two dogs that had escaped their property and only months later, Beatrice de los Santos nearly lost her husband to a similar fate, the man now relegated to a wheelchair from his wounds, both families are expected to be present when the councilwoman unveils her plans today. San Antonio's leaders are rallying around the initiative, with four council members already boarding the bandwagon to push for more stringent consequences for owners of dogs that cannot be contained and to back community members who report perilous pooches, the announcement is anticipated at 1 p.m. today, according to Gavito.

Poised to place responsibility squarely on the shoulders of dog owners, Alderete Gavito's proposals will have to navigate through several more committees before they can be debated at the council dais; this procedural journey could take several months. But for the families affected by these tragedies, it can't come soon enough.