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Published on September 10, 2019
Top Colorado Springs news: Space Command re-launches at Peterson; veteran keeps WWII planes aloftPhoto: Jasen Miller/Flickr

Missed the the most recent top news in Colorado Springs? Read on for everything you need to know.

Space Command re-launches at Peterson AFB

The first version of Space Command launched in 1985 at Peterson Air Force Base but was closed in 2002 as the U.S. began to focus its military might on ensuring homeland security and fighting foreign terrorist organizations.

Read the full story on DenverWestword.

Man pleads not guilty to shooting Colorado Springs police officer

A man who came to the United States as an Iraqi refugee has pleaded not guilty to the attempted murder of a Colorado police officer in August 2018.

Read the full story on KENS5.

Veteran keeps planes flying at National Museum of WWII Aviation

The National Museum of World War II Aviation features 24 World War II aircraft. Each of them is still able to fly thanks to the dedication of an Air Force veteran. 

Read the full story on KDVR.

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