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Published on May 02, 2024
Washington County Initiates Overnight Street Cleaning to Enhance Safety and Protect WaterwaysSource: Washington County, Minnesota

Washington County is hitting the streets with brooms and bins this week as crews kick off the annual ritual of scrubbing down the asphalt, according to a county announcement. The sweeping squad is set to make the rounds, giving the roads a thorough cleanse – and they're doing it in the wee hours so as not to tangle with the daily commute.

Local bigwigs are calling on everyone to mind the brooms and keep it safe, saying that when you see the cleaners and their machines out there, don't barrel through; take a beat, slow it down, and keep your distance, the roads aren't going anywhere, and neither should you if you're too close to the action. "County operators work diligently to keep the roads debris-free, but the cooperation of the public ensures everyone’s safety," the Public Works Department emphasized in a statement.

Officials have revealed that the street cleaning doesn't just make the area look neat and tidy, it also serves an important environmental purpose. The debris that accumulates on the streets, such as leaves and wrappers, can be harmful to the waterways if it ends up in the storm drains. By removing this debris, the county is preventing the pollution of local lakes and streams and ensuring that the water in your cup remains clean.

The waste management team doesn't stop at sweeping the streets. After sweeping, they handle the street sweepings with utmost care to ensure that not even a tiny piece ends up where it shouldn't be. This is according to the Public Works department. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss anything with the county, you can contact them by calling 651-430-4300 or sending an email to [email protected].