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Published on March 28, 2024
Los Angeles Firefighters Swiftly Snuff Out Attic Fire on East 66th Street, No Injuries ReportedSource: Google Street View

Firefighters tackled a blaze in the Florence neighborhood this morning, extinguishing a fire that had taken hold in the attic of a one-story duplex on East 66th Street, the Los Angeles Fire Department reported.

The LAFD alert stated the fire was reported at 9:52 AM at 229 E 66th St; a team of first responders engaged in an offensive mode to battle the flames, yet amid the chaos and the crackling of timber, the essence of their duty to safeguard life and property remained clear and unshaken.

It took a team of the first 26 LAFD firefighters to subdue the attic fire in roughly 26 minutes, managing to protect the living quarters below in a effort that included "move/cover belongings to protect from water damage," according to the LAFD knockdown notice. Coordinated rooftop ventilation and an internal attack on the blaze proved effective in their containment efforts, fortunately not a single injury was reported at the scene of the incident.

The incident, which caused no injuries, is still under investigation to determine the cause of the fire, crews labored to ensure every ember was extinguished and every resident remained unharmed, their battle against the inferno standing as a testament to their unwavering commitment and skill. Firefighting teams included several engines and trucks, among other support resources, indicating a significant response to the call that began in the morning hours when the city was stirring to life.